News Listing
February 10, 2025The Department of Special Education will be holding office hours (in person at Burk Hall 156 and online via Zoom) to answer…
January 27, 2025It was good to see Lauren Sneed and Shanice Robinson-Blackwell featured in this week’s Campus Memo. Lauren Sneed, who presen…
January 27, 2025Maria Zavala was part of the STEM team that was commissioned by the Spencer Foundation to author one of the new papers in th…
November 25, 2024Dr. Mayumi Hagiwara has a new book being published entitled Promoting self-determination for students with intellectual disa…
November 25, 2024Gloria Soto and Jennifer Vega, a GCOE graduate student, have published a second article titled "Exploring Core Competencies…
November 12, 2024For the past two days, a site visit team of four people has been interviewing all members of the SLHS community, to verify a…
October 15, 2024We are thrilled to announce the arrival of two tenure-track faculty members who will be joining our esteemed academic commun…
October 11, 2024This month’s GCOE Research Roundtable featured the editors and co-authors of Advancing Equity and Inclusion in Early Childho…
September 30, 2024Dr. Yvonne Bui (Department of Special Education) has been appointed as the Faculty Associate Director of Asian American Coll…
September 03, 2024Dr. Amber Friesen, Dr. Maryssa Mitsch, and Doctoral Candidate Karina Du have recently had their co-edited book published – c…
September 03, 2024Dr. Alex Mejia (SED) has been selected to be part of Cultivating New Voices Among Scholars of Color (CNV) for the 2024-26 co…
September 03, 2024Dr. Mary Requa (SPED) has been has been awarded a National Science Foundation grant as a co- PI with colleagues Yiyi Wang an…
September 03, 2024Dr. Gloria Soto (SLHS and SPED) has published an article with Jennifer Vega, rising second-year graduate student in SLHS, in…
September 03, 2024Dr. Betty Yu (SLHS) has been awarded the prestigious Certificate of Recognition for Special Contributions in Multicultural A…
May 13, 2024Dr. Fuentes entered SFSU’s Research Competition in Spring 2024, and was one of the 11 campus winners who went on to compete…
May 07, 2024The student hood recipients will represent their academic colleges at the University’s 123rd graduation ceremony May 24. A d…
April 23, 2024The Golden Gate Xpress recently penned an article highlighting less familiar study spots at the SF State campus. Among these…
April 15, 2024The GCOE held its second College Meeting of the semester on Monday April 8. About 45 faculty and staff joined us in the Libr…
April 15, 2024This week in Academic Senate, the former Graduate Certificate in Autism Spectrum got a new name: the Graduate Certificate in…
March 25, 2024Our Elementary Ed colleague Stephanie joined a panel of seven faculty who shared their b…
March 25, 2024On Thursday, a group of AVID/STC Washington High School students visited SFSU with their Step to College instructor, Nicole…
March 21, 2024It was great to see this article on Dr. Matthews appear in this week’s SF State News. The interview by Jamie Oppenheim captu…
February 26, 2024The Special Education Department, in collaboration with SLHS and Elementary Ed, has a newly-approved Graduate Certificate in…
January 29, 2024Dr. Kevin Kelly, Lecturer Faculty in ELSIT’s Instructional Technology & Design program, has two upcoming books to be pub…
December 18, 2023We learned this week of these awards to our colleagues. Laura will be studying “Caseload Sizes for Speech-Language Therapy C…
December 18, 2023Last week, the New York City Board of Education announced the launch of the Hidden Voices: Stories of the Global African Dia…
December 04, 2023On November 17, over 50 high school students from John Henry High School in Richmond, including many who are in the Step to…
December 04, 2023Congratulations to Dr. Mary Requa and Dr. Teresa Gray, this year’s awardees for the GCOE Faculty Research Grant. This is a d…
December 04, 2023Congratulations, Alex, on being awarded the Provost’s Pre-Tenure Award for Spring 2024. This is an award to provide probatio…
December 04, 2023Congratulations, Peter, on a successful conference on November 9. It’s wonderful to see this event thrive, as the photos on…
December 04, 2023A notable number of our SPED faculty and doctoral students are presenting at CEC’s Division for Early Childhood’s Annual Int…
October 30, 2023Cultivating Mathematical Hearts – Culturally Responsive Mathematics Teaching in Elementary Classrooms It’s wonderful to see…
October 17, 2023Every year, SLHS 701 and SPED 780 join courses to host the "Interprofessional Education for Inclusive Early Childhood Educat…
September 25, 2023All of our eligible students should be applying now for this California grant, which provides up to $20,000 to students curr…
September 25, 2023The Arts, Research & Teaching (ART) Lab is getting started under the direction Frances Bean, its new Coordinator, with A…
September 25, 2023SF State’s Counseling & Psychological Service (CAPS) is offering a fall workshop series, RAICES & RESISTENCIA (Roots…
September 18, 2023Gloria Soto and Nancy Robinson shared that twelve SLHS and SPED graduate students involved in Project AAC for ALL, a personn…
September 18, 2023Lindsay Kerr is an MA student in our VI program, and is a staff member at CSU Long Beach in their AIM Program. It has been a…
September 01, 2023We are so proud that our colleague and multiple-alum Dr. Vincent Matthews has been selected to be inducted into the SF State…
September 01, 2023Our Fall 2023 Scholarship Application Cycle started this week. There are 28 awards available across the college this semeste…
August 25, 2023The Cahill Center in Burk Hall 319 is now open Monday through Thursday, 1:00 – 5:00 p.m. and welcomes all GCOE students. It’…
August 25, 2023The Secondary Education Department and GCOE are now part of the San Francisco Urban Teacher Residency (SFUTR), funded by a g…
August 18, 2023We’re so glad to have Dr. Adam Graves (SPED Visual Impairments) and Dr. Vincent Matthews (Educational Administration) joinin…
August 18, 2023We are very pleased to announce that Maryssa Mitch has been promoted to Associate Professor with Tenure. Amber Friesen, Zahi…
August 18, 2023In June, Michael Clarke and Gloria Soto (Speech Language & Hearing Sciences) were notified by the Spencer Foundation tha…
August 18, 2023Congratulations to Kathleen Mortier, Julie Maier, and CDBS colleagues on being awarded funding for another 5-year cycle from…
May 30, 2023Dr. Betty Yu and colleagues are pleased to announce a new journal that may be of interest to you, and for which Betty serves…
May 22, 2023Dr. Doris Flowers shared the information that one of her students – Athena Ramirez – has been selected for this prestigious…
May 22, 2023Congratulations to Phonita on receiving this well-deserved award! Even though Phonita is now with the Metro College Success…
April 28, 2023On Wednesday we celebrated our administrative professionals – all the staff in GCOE – with a lunch at City Eats. It’s a smal…
April 28, 2023Elementary school classrooms are ideal places to connect art and socially responsive pedagogy where children are provided op…
April 27, 2023After many years of donations that have funded more than 250 of our GCOE candidates, the San Francisco Division 36 of the Ca…
April 27, 2023Ms. Robinson was given this award in acknowledgment of her work teaching in the high school dual-enrollment GCOE Step to Col…
February 10, 2023The Department of Equity, Leadership Studies, and Instructional Technologies Educational Administration (EDAD) Final Candid…
September 30, 2022Climate Justice Leaders Initiative takes interdisciplinary approach to tackle multifaceted climate crisis San Francisco Stat…
July 22, 2022To All Credential Candidates: Free Exams You are eligible for a fee waiver for the CBEST, CSET, RICA, edTPA, and CalAPA. Now…
May 26, 2022Dear GCOE Colleagues, Welcome to the end of the Spring 2023 semester! We are celebrating…
he Special Education program at San Francisco State University is featured on the 2020 Best Colleges list published by GradR…
The Speech, Language and Hearing Sciences Department's Speech Pathology Program was recently ranked in the top 10 best colle…
For those enrolled in the M.A. in Special Education with a concentration in Visual Impairments, this Lab Weekend was full of…
On October 9th, over 60 Graduate College of Education students participated in our event, Interprofessional Education for In…
The ReRighting Education Newsletter is a student-led effort that was conceived by San Francisco State University (SFSU) grad…
NSSLHA at California State University, San Francisco kicked off the start of another academic year with an orientation hoste…
Cynthia Grutzik has been appointed dean of SF State’s Graduate College of Education (GCOE), the University announced. She su…
San Francisco State University selected Angela Torres, a Graduate College of Education student earning her MA in Education:…
Associate Professor in Secondary Education Larry Horvath has been awarded a three-year NSF grant for $3.3 million. As princi…