Stanley Pogrow
Dr. Stanley Pogrow has a Ph.D. in Educational Administration from Stanford University, and is currently a Research Professor of Educational Leadership at San Francisco State University. He was a coordinator of the joint doctoral program in Educational Leadership for Equity, in conjunction with the University of California at Berkeley. Previous positions were at: University of Illinois, USC, and the University of Arizona. UCEA listed him as one of the top scholars in the field of Educational Leadership.
Dr. Pogrow specializes in (a) Education policy for reducing the achievement gap, and (b) in the design, implementation, and dissemination of more powerful large-scale learning environments for students born into poverty, and the role such environments play in school improvement. He is the author of 4 books, and more than 110 articles/book chapters. He has made over 250 presentations around the country and internationally. Dr. Pogrow has also been the sole PI on $3 million in R & D grants. His work has been funded by: The National Science Foundation, U.S. Department of Education, Arizona Department of Education, Edna McConnell Clark Foundation, Ford Foundation, MacArthur Foundation, IBM and Apple.
In addition to extensive writing and presenting on school reform policy, Dr. Pogrow is a leading designer and disseminator of school reform programs to accelerate the learning of low-income and minority students. He is the developer of the Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) Project, a pure thinking skills approach to Title I and LD in grades 4-8. HOTS combines the use of Socratic dialogue, drama, and technology, and has been used in approximately 2600 schools in 48 states. HOTS has won numerous state and Federal awards and has been one of the most successful reform efforts for educationally disadvantaged students. Dr. Pogrow has also debunked the supposed effectiveness of some of the most widely used interventions targeted to marginalized populations.
Publications include:
- Pogrow, S. (2011). “Success for All Does Not Work: An Exemplar for Why Title I Should Not Mandate Using Specific Programs ‘Proven to be Effective’, Education Week.
- Pogrow, S. (2008). Teaching Content Outrageously:How to Captivate All Students and Accelerate Learning. Jossey-Bass. (San Francisco).
- Pogrow , S. (2006). “Restructuring High-Poverty Elementary Schools for Success: A Description of the Hi-Perform School Design.” Phi Delta Kappan, pp. 223-229.
- Pogrow, S. (2005). HOTS Revisited: A Thinking Development Approach to Reducing the Learning Gap After Grade 3. Phi Delta Kappan, pp. 64-75.
- Pogrow, S. (2004). The Missing Element In Reducing the Gap: Eliminating the ‘Blank Stare’. Teachers College Record, Feature Article.
- Pogrow, S. (1998). What is an Exemplary Program and Why Should Anyone Care? Educational Researcher, pp. 22-29.
- The most recent presentations (Jan 2013) were in Muscat, Oman: Reducing the Achievement Gap in Math and Science, and The Implications of New Technology for Teaching and Learning.